
In this article

Authorization status

Verification Information

EFT Verification Method

Result Code


The Mock EFT connection implements all the features that are supported in LS Pay. This is an extensive service meant for integration and testing purposes.

The Mock will return data supplied in the POS when a function is activated and only stores details of the last transaction submitted.

No logic is handled in the Mock outside the scope of the last transaction.

To be able to handle various responses from LS Pay, the Mock can respond with error codes, authorization status, and verification requests by the amount sent in the purchase request.

Authorization status

Amount Authorization Status
103.01 Declined
103.02 Canceled
103.03 User rejected
103.10 Terminal offline







Waiting for input

Verification Information

Amount Verification Info
93.01 DataType = DataType.Decimal

VerificationType = VerficationType.TotalAmount

DisplayText = "Please verify total amount"

93.02 DataType = DataType.Bool

VerificationType = VerficationType.Signature

DisplayText = "Please verify signature"



DataType = DataType.Decimal

VerificationType = VerficationType.TotalAmount

DisplayText = "Please verify total amount"


DataType = DataType.Signature

VerificationType = VerficationType.Signature

DisplayText = "Please verify signature"


DataType = DataType.String

VerificationType = VerficationType.CardData

DisplayText = "Please verify last 4 digits of card"

EFT Verification Method


Verification Method

103.04 Signature
103.05 Online PIN
103.06 Offline PIN


Offline PIN And Signature







For any other amount the verification method is Online PIN.

Result Code

Amount Result Code
103.10 Error




Further Information Needed


103.12 Signature Verification Needed
103.13 Voice Authentication Needed
103.14 Cash Back Confirmation Needed

For any other amount, the result code is Success.


LS Pay throws exceptions of the type EngineException, EFTException when handling EFT communication and EAException handling PED communication.

Amount Error Code What it means
101.01 EFTErrorCode.Unknown Unknown error, not able to categorize.
101.02 EFTErrorCode.RequestArgumentError An argument exception is thrown (EFTArgumentException), more details are to be found there.
101.03 EFTErrorCode.UnsupportedOperation Operation is not supported in EFT or on PED.
101.04 EFTErrorCode.UnexpectedResultReceived An unexpected result, data or value, from PED or gateway, more details are in the log.
101.05 EFTErrorCode.FailureToStartSession Not able to start session with PED, usually when configuration is not right or PED needs pairing.
101.06 EFTErrorCode.FailureToFinishSession Not able to end session, PED might still be busy to receive request.
101.07 ArgumentException If an exception is thrown that is not handled by LS Pay.
101.08 EFTErrorCode.NoSession No session is active on PED, unable to proceed.
101.09 EFTErrorCode.TransactionNotFound Request for a specific transaction results with none being found by a given ID.
101.10 EFTErrorCode.CorruptedDataReceived Service or PED returns data that cannot be decrypted.
102.01 EAErrorCode.Unknown Unknown error, not able to categorize.
102.02 EAErrorCode.BatteryTooLow PED returns message indicating it cannot hold connection because of battery status, most common with mobile PEDs.
102.03 EAErrorCode.DevicePairingNeeded Pairing is needed before connection can be established.
102.04 EAErrorCode.ConnectionTimeout LS Pay was unable to get a response from PED or service within a given time period.
102.05 EAErrorCode.ConnectionInterupted Connection to the PED was interrupted before a result was given.
102.06 EAErrorCode.PairingCodeMismatch Pairing code supplied and keyed in do not match.
102.07 EAErrorCode.PairingError An error occurred in pairing process.
102.08 EAErrorCode.SessionInProgress Might happen if another POS tries to communicate with PED when an active session is in progress.
102.09 EAErrorCode.DeviceIsBusy LS Pay tries to communicate with a terminal that is unresponsive.
102.10 EAErrorCode.UnknownEAManagementType Returned if POS is trying to create an EFT connection that is not known in LS Pay, might happen if an old integration will be deprecated or renamed.
102.11 EAErrorCode.ConfigurationError Details given in Settings are not correct or missing.
102.12 EAErrorCode.NotSupported Action or process is not supported in the EFT connection in LS Pay.