
In this article


Integrating with the LS Pay Transbank plugin

Known issues

This article describes the integration of Transbank with LS Pay.


Note: This integration was tested on a USB connected VX805 device.

Make sure you have SPDH 4.0 installed and a folder C:\SCTCliente containing the .xml file with the necessary configuration.


There are three settings required for this plugin:

  • MerchantID (Store): Store identifier, must be a number from 0 to 32767.
  • POSId (POS number): POS identifier, must be a number from 0 to 32767.
  • UserFieldOnReceipt (Use Transaction ID as receipt number): True/False value that determines whether the incoming TransactionId should be used as the receipt number for Transbank (numero boleta).

Integrating with the LS Pay Transbank plugin

Important: The Transbank plugin requires that you indicate a tender type (credit card/debit card) before you perform the transaction. This needs to be customized in the POS.

Installments / Cuotas

Installments are supported by Transbank through the PIN pad. When you are using a card that supports installments, you get an option on the PIN pad to use installments. In cases where installments are used, the TransactionResponse.Ids.AdditionalId will contain a JSON string with the necessary data to process the installments in the POS (customization is required for this).

Example: JSON string (12,000 CLP sale in 12 installments)

{"ValidaUltimosDigitos":0,"UltimosDigitos":"6383","BinTarjeta":"522468","CodigoAutorizacion":"917351 B","GlosaTarjeta":"MASTERCARD","NumeroUnico":"01230456000000211118110820","MontoCuota":100000,"CantidadCuotas":12,"TipoCuotas":"4","CodigoOperacion":"001064296","LineasVoucherPromocion":0,"VoucherPromocion":null,"Track2":null,"TipoLectura":"01","PinBlock":" ","Criptograma":" "}

Description of every parameter in the JSON string

Parameter Description
ValidaUltimosDigitos Indicator if it requires entry of the last 4 digits of the card.
If return 1 then input last 4 digits of the card and validate with the last 4 digits that return the PIN pad.
If not return 1 then PIN pad will ask for PIN entry.
UltimosDigitos Last 4 digits of the card.
BinTarjeta Return Bin of the card.
CodigoAutorizacion Transbank authorization code.
GlosaTarjeta Description of the card type.
NumeroUnico Unique transactional number.
MontoCuota Credit installments amount, with 2 decimals.
CantidadCuotas Credit installments number.
TipoCuotas Indicator type of credit installments:
"0" = Zero credit installments
"1" = normal installments or with interest
"3" = three installments
"4" = N-installments
CodigoOperacion Transbank operation code.
LineasVoucherPromocion The number of lines to print the Promotion voucher.
VoucherPromocion Return text to print the Promotion receipt.
Track2 Pan encrypted credit card.
TipoLectura Card capture or reading method:
"00" = B - Magnetic band
"01" = E - EMV c/contact
"02" = C - Contactless
"03" = F - Fallback
"04" = D - Digitada
PinBlock PINBlock
Criptograma Transaction cryptogram, ISO TLV format

Staff ID / Numero de empleado

A Staff ID is required to be sent with each transaction request to Transbank. To support this, a StaffId parameter has been added to the LS Pay request (In Hardware Station it is accessed in the EFTTransactionRequest.StaffId field).
This parameter is currently not available in the standard Hardware Station (accessible through intermediate packages).

The Staff ID must be a string of numbers of length 1-4, for example 5151.

Reversals / Refunds and void

Standalone refunds and void are not supported by Transbank. Behind each reversal there must be an original transaction that is referenced in the RefundRequest/VoidRequest as OriginalIds.EFTTransactionId. The EFTTransactionId is returned in each approved TransactionResponse.

If no EFTTransactionId is sent in, or an unrecognized EFTTransactionId is sent, the PIN pad will respond with "Venta no existe" (Sale does not exist).

Finalize Day / Finalizar Dia

To perform Transbank's FinalizarDia in LS Pay there is a function called Z report (in POS: EFT_GET_Z_REPORT).

This will call the FinalizarDia function, but since no report is provided by Transbank, the Z report response will include an empty report.

Known issues

Currently not supported:

  • Cashback (Spanish: vuelto).
  • CMR card processing.
  • Promotion vouchers.
  • Deferred payment (Spanish: venta con gracia).